Odisha (Orissa) Tribal Budget Tour
Tour code- DT- 107/ 370 B- 2024-25
Tour highlight- In this wonderful tribal Tour of Odisha Itinerary here we offer it from Backpackers to luxury category guests because for us all our respected guests are on same value . That means this tour package is affordable for all category guests. This special interest tour itinerary includes with different isolated ethnic villages, tribal weekly markets , nature , people and at the conclusion relax at our village retreat – SelaniDingo ,It is very discounted price for all age group guests in special occasion . Including at Selanidingo village retreat enjoy the mouth watering traditional organic food (both veg. & non-vet) , catamaran boat ride (with boatman) , if desire By cycling , bull cart ride (with cart man) , hiking of special interest villages, and Overall the conclusion rejuvenate your soul , mind and body with the traditional culture of Odishi – Gotipua classic dance to feel the real Odisha- India with You with real value of money. (For Discount price please add the above given Tour code when you mail us)
Odisha Tribal Village Itinerary
Duration of Tour-10Day/ 9Nights (including 8 days at ethnic world in odisha/ which revised also accordingly your duration )
Destination cover: Taratarini- Baliguda-Rayagada-Jeypore- Gopalpur chandanpur- and different isolated ethnic villages/ weekly markets ……
Tribal Photography: Allowed with the permission of tribes and before photography please consult with your guide.
Price of the Package: Budget , depend upon your group size./ please mail us, our expert team will reply soon.
Ethnic Group cover : We focus most ethnic group of Odisha which still preserve their culture which means their attire/ lifestyle/ food habit/ group dance/ traditional ornaments / settlements etc
Suggested itinerary

Day1-( Saturday)- Bhubaneswar- Taratarini (3hr drive + visit)
Upon arrival Bhubaneswar (please try arrive during morning, so we cover most of the things) meet our representative and drive towards Taratarini .
En route visit the textile village- Olasingh and beauty of Chilika lake while catamaran boating .
Taratarini: a nice village along with nice Rushikulya river and taratarini hill , the gate way of tribal land in southern Orissa.
Overnight- Taratarini

Day2- (Sunday)- Taratarini- Baliguda (4.30hr drive+ visit)
Meet the Kondh tribes at their villages while drive towards Baliguda,/ see the scenic beauty of eastern ghat on the top of Kalinga ghat area.
Baligauda – a small town in Kondhmal district which surrounded by every green tropical jungle KUTIA Kondh villages.
Overnight– Baliguda

Day3- (Monday)- Baliguda – Kutia Tribal village- Rayagada (4.30hr drive+ visit)
Early stand up and explore the very colorful Kutia Kondh (tattoo faced) tribes at their isolated village while hiking (1.30hr hiking/ flat jungle land) with the help of local tribal boys.
Overnight- Rayagada

Day4- (Tuesday)-Rayagada – Dongaria Kondh village/ Weekly market- Koraput (5.30hr drive+ visit)
Meet the most Colorful Dongaria Kondh tribal community at their very isolated villages while hiking -30min/ flat jungle road. also visit the colorful weekly market of Dongaria kondh .
Pm- meet the Excursion their life style of Kuvi Kondh community at their very isolated village and warm greetings by those community.
Note- still the Kuvi Kondh community live like cave concept house (very narrow and low layer roof and normally there are no window and clay plaster by hand with the brick red color.

Day5- (Wednesday)-Jeypore- Boraparaja village- Mali tribal village- Sanaparaja Weekly market- Jeypore (3.30hr drive+ visit)
Morning meet the very colorful Mali tribes at their village, also meet the very special Boraparaja tribal community at their village too.
Both tribes are very special for their tattoo mark and then meet the Sana paraja tribes at their colorful weekly market .
Overnight- Jeypore

Day6- (Thursday)- Jeypore – Onkadelly- Boragadhava village- Rayagada (6.30hr drive+ visit)
Early departure for Meet the most colorful “Bonda” tribes at their weekly market – Onkadelly,
Excursion the life style of Colorful – “Gadhava tribes at their isolated village and enjoy their rhythmic dance – “Dhemsa” with traditional custom and musical instrument (which is chargeable and subject to local condition)
Overnight –Rayagada

Day7- (Friday)- Rayagada- Lanjia Saura Village- Gopalpur (5.30hr drive+ visit)
Meet most colorful tribal community Lanjia Saura at their isolated village high hill area . / while hiking (total 1 hr flat land) visit their nice landscape , terrace cultivation, idital dream painting, and many more…
Of gunupur Jungle region.
( our car can go near to their village-1200 mt above from sea level)
Overnight – Gopalpur

Day8-(Saturday)- Gopalpur- Konark- Chandanpur (4hr drive+ visit)
Morning after breakfast check out drive towards Chandanpur via- Konark sun temple,excursion the language of stone .
Check in a nice village home stay retreat at Chandanpur and enjoy the special classic odisha organic mouth watering dinner along with bonfire.
Overnight– Selani Dingo lux. Village home stay, Chandanpur

Day9-(Sunday)- Village Special- Chandanpur (full day program)
Early stand up to ride the catamaran boat at Bhargavi river village jetty -walking distance from our village retreat (welcomed by boatman) – total 2hr boating and hiking . While hiking meet the classic grand Pottery making village (50 family making traditional handmade pottery with very unique tech.) farmer village, artisan village, washer men village, potter making village , coconut picker village etc
Enjoy the continental and classic breakfast in the open garden .
Pm- Visit the unique artisan villages and excursion the age old tradition of pattachitra painting and palm leaf engraving tech popularly called “talapatra pothi” by bull cart ride (Bull cart ride is classic vehicle of ancient odisha but if you feel fear to ride bull cart then you may use your taxi too) and after that if desire experience the herbal oil full body massage by traditional royal barber (optional)
Evening enjoy the classic odisha- Gotipua dance (dancers use traditional costumes and musical instruments and it is worth to see) at our village retreat (on chargeable basis). Enjoy the organic classic clay pot lamb or Bamboo chicken prepare by our chef / if guest like they may learn the traditional cooking method of orissa too.
Overnight- An unique village retreat – Selani Dingo

Day10—(Monday)- Chandanpur- Puri – Departure to Bhubaneswar airport (2.30hr drive+ visit)
Morning after early breakfast drive towards Puri , visit the classic puri such as the grand cremation ground called Swargadwar, (free photography) , walk around outer side of the grand Jagannath temple (because non hindus are not allowed) then strait Bhubaneswar airport. Board the flight for your on wards journey with lots of sweet memories!!!!!!
Note- Departure timing is depend upon your flight timing , if time desire please see the temple of temple city old Bhubaneswar area.
Tour concludes:
For best discounted price please feel free to contact us with above given tour code
The Kutia Kandha is a section of the Kandha tribe found in Kandhmal and Kalahandi dist. (south central part) of Orissa. The tribesmen are known for their buffalo sacrifice ritual locally known as “Kedu” to worship their Earth Goddess- “Darni Penu”. They belong to the Proto-Australoid racial stock and shspeak a dialect their own called “Kui”, which belong to Dravidian language family. They worship large number of deities and spirits; the chief among them is Darni Penu, the Earth Goddess worship by the village headman called Majhi & the village priest is called Jani.
Dongria Kondh: In the remote mountainous wilderness of the Eastern Ghats region of South Orissa lives a fascinating Kuvi-speaking tribe called, the Dongria Kandha. They inhabit the lofty Niyamgiri hill ranges in the district of Rayagada. They stand apart fromothers for their famous Meria festival, expertise in horticulture and colourful dress, adornments and life style. For being the denizens of hills, forests and highlands (dongar), their neighbours name them Dongria. Dongria men and women are quite fashionable in their personal adornments, that makes them attractive and distinguish them from others. Dongria men put on a long and narrow piece of loin cloth and women use two pieces of cloth, each 3-4 ft. In length. Both men and women grow long hair. A wooden comb (kokuya) is fixed at the hair knot of men and women which adorns the hair-lock and keeps the hair tight. A tiny knife (pipli) with colourful thread balls at its metal handle, adorns the hair lock of women. Men and women put on aluminum neck rings, beads & coin necklaces (kekodika), finger rings. In addition to that women wear bangles, anklets, toe rings. Both men and women wear earrings and nose-rings.
Bonda tribe: in the wild and remote mountainous country located towards the south-western tip of the Malkanigiri highlands lives a unique tribal community called- “Bonda”. The tribesmen identify themselves as “Remo” (man). Bonda speak a language of their own that belongs to the Austro- Asiatic (South Mundari) language group. Bonda men are brave and bold. They derive their identity from their arms, such as bow, arrows, long knife which they always carry and sago palm-wine which is their most favorite drink. The Bonda women with their clean-shaven head decorated with head bands of Palmyra strips and plaited fillets of caryota fibber. Mass of colorured beads and shell strings, brass neck rings and necklaces hanging down even below the navel and the brass bangles covering the whole of the lower arms are the typical ornamentation of the Bonda Women. A short and narrow strip of striped loin-cloth woven at home by a double-bar tensioned loom covering only the private parts comprises the woman’s wear.
Culture of the Gadaba, one of the prominent tribal communities of Orissa. The name; Gadaba has been derived from the word “Gada”, name of a brook in the Godavari valley. The tribe has Proto-Australoid origin. The Gadaba speak Mundari language, called Gutob belonging to Austro-Asiatic language family. The Gadaba men use a piece of cloth, called lenguthi with a flap, which hangs down in front. Women wear two pieces of cloths, each measuring about 5ft. By 2 ft. Called Keranga. The Gadaba girls/ women decorate their bodies with ornaments such as peculiar type of earrings, which are made out of brass or aluminium which hangs down from a hole in the ear that reaches the shoulder. Besides, they use ornaments, like rings (mudi) bangles made of brass. Their hair is neatly combed and fixed at the back by hairpins.
Pm- very very typical pottery making village in Peta Jungle range / their handmade very traditional pottery making style is more or less equivalent with Indo- valley civilization type./ worth to visit that place.
The saoras are one of the most ancient tribes of India. Have a racial affinity with the Proto- Australoid stock, their dialect called Sora, comes under the Austro-Asiatic family of Munda group of languages. Lanjia Saora constitutes one of the primitive sections of the Saora tribe. They are so called by their neighbours strip of male loin cloth is worn in such a fashion that both the red embroidered ends hang down in front and back like a tail (Lanja). Their women greatly enlarge their enlarge their ear lobes to wear rounded wooden pegs and have a characteristic tattoo mark down the middle of the forehead. Install the village deities represented by wooden posts at the entrance of the village. Have male and female shamans to serve their magico-religious needs. Famous for their attractive wall paintings,” IDITIAL”. Observe Guar, the secondary burial ritual to commemorate the dead by sacrificing buffaloes and by erecting menhirs.